Saturday, May 15, 2010

Out of Commission

Wow! it has been one hell of a winter and spring for me. I have been out of commission for about three months now. At least out of commission from my studio works.

My studio work came to a stop this past winter which has been one of the coldest winters in my 20 yrs. in Florida. To put things in perspective, it all started when one of our water pipes in the house busted and flooded 4 of our rooms, including hallways. The majority of the rooms had carpeting which all had to be replaced. Our homeowners insurance helped with some of the expenses. It's a very long story so I am trying to keep this short.

All our furniture had to be moved into my studio, hence the out of commission from studio work. This turn in my life however did not keep me from painting outdoors once a month with my group OPAP (Ocala Plein Air Painters). Thank goodness I could still swing a brush to keep my painting skills sharp.

It has been a long three months of major repairs in my home with everyday and weekends devoted to repairing our home. My wife and I are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can't wait to get my studio back in order to start painting, blogging and spending quality time with my friends and family. Now, Let's paint!

That would be my studio. You can see my wall easel in the very back.